The Role of Microcirculation in Vascular Dementia

Microcirculation is important for the prevention of vascular dementia.

The way our bodies work is nothing short of miraculous, and I never fail to be amazed by the interconnectedness of our organs and systems. The circulatory system is a case in point. Just as no flora or fauna can exist without water, so no cells or tissues can thrive and regenerate without a healthy flow of blood through our bodies. But what happens when the veins carrying that blood flow falter, for whatever reason? We end up with vascular degeneration. 

What is Vascular Degeneration?

Degeneration of the vascular system makes it difficult to have healthy blood circulation, and for enough blood to reach critical parts of the body on a timely basis. There are a number of degenerative vascular diseases, and while some of them are unlikely to cause dementia, there are several that can affect our brains. These include: 

  • Atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of plaque buildup inside arteries.
  • Buerger’s disease, in which the small blood vessels get swollen and inflamed. 
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation, which is widespread clotting in the small vessels.
  • Cerebrovascular conditions such as aneurysm, embolisms and amyloid angiopathy. 

Any of these conditions can result in the blood vessels constricting, making them vulnerable to blockage by clotting. And when you have clotting, you have less blood flow to the brain. 

How it Causes Dementia

Vascular dementia develops most frequently as a result of an event such as a stroke or transient ischemic attack (ITA), also known as a mini-stroke. Any condition that results in the brain receiving insufficient oxygen and nutrients to function properly, however, can cause damage to the cognitive abilities. In some instances, people develop vascular dementia even without showing any outward signs of illness. Although it’s not as high profile as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia that exists, with 15% to 20% of dementia patients being diagnosed with it. 

What’s Circulation Got to Do with It?

Our brains rely heavily on having enough oxygen and nutrients to keep them functioning and in peak condition. If the supply of those essential components is interrupted or reduced, however briefly, it limits the amount getting through. 

If your circulatory system isn’t operating correctly because of vascular degeneration or any other disease, it means the brain might not be getting enough of the things it needs. This causes some cells to die off, while others regenerate more slowly. 

Healthy blood circulation is a combination of macro- and micro-circulatory functions, and although brain function is mostly supported by microcirculation, medical science has proved that vascular tone in microcirculation strongly influences systemic perfusion pressure. Since our system adjusts blood pressure to meet the needs of our organs, when our bodies are under stress the role of microcirculation counts much more. 

Preventing Vascular Dementia

While I wish there were conclusive ways to prevent any of these horrendous diseases, particularly dementia, it’s unfortunately not yet that simple. What we can do, however, is focus on remaining as healthy as possible. Given the important role of circulation in both maintaining good health and preventing disease, it stands to reason that supporting this function any way you can is an excellent idea. The good news is that there is a method of boosting your microcirculation that’s readily available on the market. What’s more, it’s sold by professionals like yourself, who are helping to make a difference in the lives of every user. 

For more information on this revolutionary new way to support your microcirculation, please visit Your Wellness 365 or email