If you ever heard your mother say “a stitch in time saves nine” you’ll understand the concept of proactive healthcare. It doesn’t only apply to work matters, however; a pre-emptive approach to health and wellness can make a tremendous difference to your quality of life, too.
What Proactive Healthcare Means
It’s no secret your health depends to a large extent on your lifestyle choices, and often the simplest changes can make the greatest impact. Many medical conditions are either preventable or manageable, and while there’s no way to anticipate some of the diseases that befall us, it’s certainly possible to work towards having a strong, robust immune system. This is your best defense against both contracting an illness and suffering more than necessary if you do. Effectively, proactive healthcare means taking preventive measures, strengthening your resistance and supporting a defensive lifestyle.
Don’t Be Reactive
There are a number of ways you can achieve improved health and wellness. Many of these can be done without the involvement of a medical practitioner, while others require specialist services and equipment:
#1: Embrace Healthy Nutrition
You don’t have to be a dietitian to be able to follow some basic healthy eating principles. Nutrition has been proven as the single most important, controllable wellness factor, and the majority of serious diseases can be prevented through dietary methods. While there are multiple sources of information you can follow, this website for the National Institute on Aging has a wealth of advice on healthy eating.
#2: Have an Annual Physical Exam
This might seem superfluous, particularly for younger people and those who are in good health. All the same, there are some good reasons to do so, not least because it might be the only time all year that you see your family doctor. When you are sick, you don’t want to be a stranger to the person who is your first line of support. An annual physical enables your doctor to review changes that occurred over the past 12 months, and potentially identify risk factors that may have developed during the period. You can establish baselines for future examinations, by testing blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol and checking your heart rate and pulse.
#3: Mindset and the Power of Positive Thinking
Researchers are finding more and more evidence of the health benefits from positive thinking. Not only are positive thinkers less stressed, they also enjoy greater overall well-being and resilience. If this habit doesn’t come naturally, there are lots of good reasons to cultivate healthy thoughts and reduce negative self-talk.
#4: Support Good Circulation
None of us can avoid getting older, but in addition to staying fit with exercise and maintaining a healthy weight, there are some things you can do to support your circulatory system. Good blood circulation will benefit a number of other health areas, and help you evade chronic pain in your later years. Stop smoking, keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in a healthy range, exercise regularly, and make sure you have enough iron in your blood to keep it healthy. If you develop any of the symptoms of poor circulation, including cold, numb or tingling feet and hands, joint pain and muscle cramping, leg ulcers or varicose veins, consider getting electromagnetic therapy to improve it.
The Take-Away
Being proactive about your health instead of reacting after the fact can not only save you pain and suffering, but reduce your medical costs significantly as well. After all, why pay for treatment time and again if you can rather use the funds to prevent yourself being ill in the first place?
Discover ways to improve your microcirculation through electromagnetic therapy using only the best. Contact me if you have any questions.