How BEMER’s PEMF Therapy Recharges Your System
Everyone wants to achieve the best health possible, and sometimes that means recharging your electrical system. Here’s how PEMF therapy helps you to do that.

How Your Body Heals Itself – and When It Needs Help
One of the most amazing aspects of the human body is its ability to heal itself. There are 30 to 40 trillion cells in the human body,

What is Optimal Health, and How Can YOU Achieve It?
Begin your journey to optimal wellness by setting smart health goals and tracking your progress. Optimal health is a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual,

Why Good Blood Circulation is Critical for Athletes
There are multiple theories about how athletes can achieve their best performance, but most of them include physical, technical, tactical, theoretical, and psychological principles. As a

Top 10 Benefits of Deep Breathing, and How It Helps You to Heal
The act of breathing comes naturally to almost everyone, and it’s not something we think about very often. The average person takes around 22,000 breaths a

Wellness: Using Water Options for Grounding Yourself
Grounding, which is also often called “earthing,” is a therapeutic technique that involves electrically connecting with the Earth’s energy. The planet has a negative energy, so doing

Creating a Safe Sleeping Environment for Optimal Healing
When your health is compromised, it’s important to get the healing sleep you need in a powerful, safe sleeping environment. I’ve written before about the

New Therapy Promises to Reactivate Your Stem Cells
For most types of repair work, you need a supply of replacement parts or the ability to manufacture them. When it comes to healing our

The Dangers of Electromagnetic (EMF) Health Risks
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy associated with the use of electrical power, as well as multiple forms of natural and

The Power of Positive Thinking: How You Can Become Extraordinary
Become extraordinary by deploying the power of positive thinking in your everyday life. Visionaries seek cherished lessons in every stumbling block or misfortune. Rather than getting

4 Herbal Remedies for Chronic Joint Pain and/or Arthritis
Chronic joint pain is caused by inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are considered chronic joint inflammatory disorders that can lead to progressive histological

The Lockdown is Almost Over. How Will YOU Recover Financially?
It’s been a rocky couple of years so far for many people. The Covid-19 pandemic has left almost 25% of employable adultsout of work, and millions are